The information that follows is taken from the evaluation report conducted in 2014 by the Centre d’études et de recherche sur les transitions et l’apprentissage (CERTA) on the effects of the School-Work Balance Estrie program on the school perseverance and educational success of Estrie students. More than 7000 high school, vocational school, adult education, Cégep and university students participated in this evaluation.
Less than 15 hours/week
Between 15 and 30 hours/week
More than 30 hours/week
High school
Source: Bourdon, S. et Lessard, A. (2015). Évaluation des effets du programme Conciliation études‐travail (CÉ‐T) sur la persévérance scolaire et la réussite éducative des élèves en Estrie. Rapport final. Sherbrooke : Centre d’études et de recherches sur les transitions et l’apprentissage (CÉRTA).