I am helping my child to maintain balance between school and work - Employeurs engagés pour la réussite éducative en Estrie

School Work Balance

I am helping my child to maintain balance between school and work

The challenge? Balance!

If your child experiences an imbalance, his/her academic success will be in danger. As a parent, you can positively influence and help him/her make the right décisions.

You can help your child to balance his/her studies and work, by keeping yourself informed about:
  • the number of hours worked (ideally 10-15 hours, max 20 hours)
  • the burden of school work
  • your child’s interest and level of motivation towards school
  • the marks received at school
  • the exam periods and end of session
  • the employer’s practices with regard to school-work balance
  • the signs of stress or fatigue
  • how your child manages his/her budget